UTokyo WiFi Troubleshoutings

From January 2023, the usage method of UTokyo Wi-Fi has been partially changed. The contents described on this page are planned to be reviewed as necessary, but there may be old information remaining for the time being. Please be aware of this and refer to the UTokyo Wi-Fi page on the utelecon portal site for more detailed information.

I forgot the password

You are required to issue your WiFI account by yourself to use UTokyo WiFi.
Please refer to UTokyo WiFi(www.u-tokyo.ac.jp) or UTokyo WiFi Support page in this site.

Although I used to be able to connect to the WiFi, I cannot connect to it recently.

  • UTokyo WiFi accounts have expiration date, and it comes in the end of April and October every year. Please go to UTokyo WiFi Account Menu to reissue your new account.
  • If you did not take an online course held every year called "Information security education," your UTokyo WiFi account might be suspended. The details of the course and suspension are shown in UTTokyo Information security education(www.u-tokyo.ac.jp)[in Japanese]. As a general, the suspension lasts for a specified period. (Sometimes, an additional course is held. If you take the course, your right to issue a WiFi account might be released. Please check additional notices.)
  • Some troubles can be happening. When others around you also cannot connect, it tends to be a trouble of WiFi systems. The information will be available on UTokyo WiFi(www.u-tokyo.ac.jp).
  • Due to signal levels, sometimes it can be difficult to connect temporarily. Please move to other places or try again later.
  • Your device can cause the issue. Please try to delete the WiFi profile of your device or reboot your device. If your other devices are working well in WiFi, the possibility of your device’s issue tends to be high.

Cannot log in to UTokyo WiFi Account Menu

  • At first, please check your user name and password.
    • Please check if you can log in to UTokyo Account User Menu.
    • Is your device under Caps Lock or Num Lock enabled unexpectedly?
    • The keyboard assign can be different from what you expected. Please check it by inputting something in the user name field.
  • If you did not take an online course held every year called "Information security education," your UTokyo WiFi account might be suspended. The details of the course and suspension are shown in UTTokyo Information security education(www.u-tokyo.ac.jp)[in Japanese]. As a general, the suspension lasts for a specified period. (Sometimes, an additional course is held. If you take the course, your right to issue a WiFi account might be released. Please check other notices.)

Account notification e-mail is not delivered after the account issue.

  • Please check spam mailbox.
  • Students: The e-mail address you can get the notification is the one registered in UTAS. The e-mail address is also shown in UTokyo WiFi Account Menu. Please check it.
  • Depending on your e-mail address provider, sometimes the notification e-mail might be rejected or have significant delays.
    • If you are using the e-mail address ending in @icloud.com, the notification e-mail is not delivered.
    • If you are using the e-mail address on Gmail, the notification e-mail possibly has delays (a few hours or days).
    • The recommendation for registering the e-mail address is ECCS Cloud e-mail ended in @g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp. Changing registration of an e-mail address is available on UTAS. The changes will be applied in the day after your modification.

Cannot connect even after entering user ID and password

  • This is not the same as those of UTokyo Account. Please issue UTokyo WiFi account to use. After the issue procedures, e-mail including user ID and password will be coming.
  • Please check if you input user ID and password CORRECTLY.
    • The user id is starting in "s" or "w" and 7 digits numbers are following. Please type all 8 digits including heading alphabet.
    • Please check non-alphabetic characteristics. We recommend copying the password from a notification e-mail.
    • If you copied the password from a notification e-mail, please check if you don’t include extra spaces before/after the password.
  • Please check if you are using a valid account.
    • If you issued accounts twice or more, only the last issued account is valid. The account shown on UTokyo WiFi Account Menu is the valid one.
  • Some devices are required to install a certificate to connect. The details are written in UTokyo WiFi Support page on this site. Setting information is disclosed in UTokyo WiFi(www.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

Cannot connect after account reissue

After the account is reissued, the old one becomes invalid. However, only when the device still holds the old account settings, it will cause the error in its connection. Please delete the old settings and try again.


  • Please use the inquiry form in UTokyo WiFi(www.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
  • There is no face-to-face supporting desk. The desk on the first floor in Information Technology Center, Fukutake Hall, or Information education Bldg. doesn’t support UTokyo WiFi.