Welcome to ECCS Tutor’s Page!

This site is edited by ECCS (Educational Campus-wide Computing System) tutors and aimed to give users information about ECCS, which is computer system for members of The University of Tokyo, and other systems in the university. Please go to pages using the upper menu bar. English information on this site is limited. So, if you want, please also refer to the Japanese version.

UTokyo WiFi

UTokyo WiFi is an on-campus wireless LAN service. Creating an account by yourself is needed before using. Please refer to the official page. Also, the support page and the trouble shooting page on this site are available.


The main contents of this site is the FAQ. The Most Frequently Asked Questions and the UTokyo IT Service Integrated Search are also useful.

utelecon: The Portal Site of Information Systems @ UTokyo

This is the portal site of information systems for students and faculty at the University of Tokyo.


  • If you want to use the UTokyo Microsoft License, officially provided by the university, please refer to the Official Website and Our FAQ page.
  • After you change your password via UTokyo Account User Menu, Keychain on Mac will not work properly. Please follow the procedure described in this page to fix this problem.
  • If your UTokyo Account suddenly becomes unusable, suspect that your password has expired. You can check the expiration date of your password from the user menu.
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